World Hosting Day 2011
If you want to meet people from the hosting domain World Hosting Day is your conference. Enterprise-Rails.com is attending to meet friends from Thomas Krenn AG, Skyway Datacenter GmbH, etc.
RailsConf 2011 USA
RailsConf 2011 USA O’Reilly’s RailsConf is once of the most outstand Rails conferences out there. It attracts a broad audience and excellent speakers. An ideal place to meet and chat with people from the Rails community.
RailsWayCon 2011 Berlin
The RailsWayCon usually happens together with the well known Webinale, a general web development conference. Therefore the RailsWayCon is always a good place to meet people from different web development areas. By sponsoring and giving a talk Enteprise-Rails.com supported this valuable event.
Frozen Rails 2011 Helsinki
The Frozen Rails conference in Helsinki has been a great success. Enterprise-Rails.com was proud to be a sponsor. Julian Fischer was invited to give a short talk and spoke about how important a sustainable recruiting strategy to a Ruby based startup is.
Conferencia Rails 2011 Madrid
Conferencia Rails 2011 Madrid Conferencia Rails held at a small venue in Madrid’s Florida Park has – again – been a wonderful conference with so many well known Ruby people. Enterprise-Rails.com contributed with a sponsoring and a talk about how to migrate a dev company to a new major release of Ruby on Rails.
Rails Conference 2009 Offenbach/Frankfurt
Photos of Julian Fischer (Enterprise-Rails, anynines GmbH, RailsHoster.de) taken by Patrick Lenz at RailsKonferenz 2009. Julian’s talk was about tailored Cluster solutions to run Ruby and Ruby on Rails infrastructures.